The diversity of news distributed via social media communication channels exposes citizens, especially youth, to large scale disinformation including misleading and false information. Propaganda, misinformation and Fake news have the potential to polarise public opinion, to promote violent extremism and hate speech and, ultimately, to undetermined democracies and reduce trust in the democratic processes (Council of Europe, 2018). Aiming at reducing this phenomena, a consortium of five European organizations involved more than fifty participants in workshops, webinars, training courses for exchanging good practices and transnational meetings. By this approach, we enhance the capacity of youth workers and youth organizations in their support for young people to interpret, analyse and evaluate the Fake News.
Fake news courses to improve your skills
“Don’t believe everything you read on the internet just because there’s a picture with a quote next to it.” ~Abraham Lincoln
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Is this group for me?
If you want to improve your analytical skills, this is the perfect space. You will find games and techniques to practice on your own peace!
It you are more advanced, you will exchange good practices with you peers.
Nevertheless, SHARING IS CARING!
Let’s share good practice on how to spot fake news and reduce disinformation campaigns across social networks.
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How to Spot Fake News course
Who is the course for?
Young people who intend to gain new analytical skills Trainers, teachers, youth workers willing to empower youth for dealing with Fake news.
Youth organizations that want to develop own internal capabilities.
The topic of fake news is as old as the news industry itself—misinformation, hoaxes, propaganda, and satire have long been in existence. The scope of this online course is to help you distinguish and evaluate news for its reliability and truth.
Online Course - How to Spot Fake News
Participants in this course will learn why fake news is an important issue and how the news are fabricated to transmit certain messages. You will learn strategies to identify and check the accuracy of news and also you will learn methods to avoid sharing Fake News. These analytical skills will help you for the rest of your life!
Fake news events across Europe
Why do I join?

Who can join?
Our Erasmus events are carefully prepared to give you sufficient arguments to make the decision: Is the story true of false? We deliver virtual fake news courses and organize face to face seminars to share good practices and fight against misinformation.
Look what we have done and join our group to be the first who find out about our events!
We share what works!
Read | Choose | Use
European virtual space for sharing and exchanging good practices to spot Fake News and disinformation campaigns across social networks. Our Facebook community are keen to permanently invite new members to share their thoughts about the latest trends in the fight against misinformation.
Our online platform https://courses.trainingclub.eu/ is continuously updated to provide you a modern educational environment. The first online course Spot Fake news is now available!
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The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents. The contents reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership: Empowering youth to critically analyse fake news, ID 2019-2-RO01-KA205-064070