Getting out of the economic crisis caused by COVID-19 is the challenge that Europe must face in the immediate future, but perhaps a bigger challenge is to reverse the main negative trends that preceded the crisis, such as the increase in inequality, the lack of social responsibility among market players, and dependence on public budgets to address the consequences. In this context, the European Commission has taken charge the task of mapping the future of the continent with a strategy that aims to transform Europe into an intelligent, sustainable and inclusive economy, and that expresses itself in high levels of productivity, social cohesion and employment, with particular attention to young people. We aim to encourage entrepreneurship and unlock the growth potential of European young people, in particular the NEETs and economy.
Entrepreneurship courses to improve your skills
What do you have EnMind?
In recent decades it has been recognized that entrepreneurship has great potential in contributing not only to the job creation, but also in addressing wider social and economic needs, and in promoting more connected and inclusive societies. Entrepreneurship comes in many forms and different roles: it is a tool to develop talent and to stimulate innovation, bearer of good practice and promoter of social values, but in the current context also a solution for unemployment and a way to reactivate the NEET.
Click HERE to Join
Our Classroom courses
Face to face
Roy Ash: “An entrepreneur tends to bite off a little more than he can chew hoping he’ll quickly learn how to chew it.”
But why spending 3 years of your life and all your money to find out that entrepreneurship is not right for you, or that your business model was not right, or simply that no-one needs your product? beware, 9 out of 10 firms close down because of lack of cash within one year. So you may think this is a money problem? No, actually in most cases it is a market validation of your product and business model.
Giving up already? Not just yet. There are smarter ways to become a successful entrepreneur. One of them is to fail, but to fail fast. “Don’t worry about failure; you only have to be right once.”
So, come to develop your entrepreneurship skills and learn how to test your own business ideas.
Click HERE to Enroll
Online Entrepreneurship course
Mandy Hale: “There is nothing more beautiful than someone who goes out of their way to make life beautiful for others.”
Some people say that the purpose of business is to make money. Others feel that they want to give something back to society. What if you could do both? What if you could add value to you, to your suppliers, partners, customers or to the school in your neighborhood? Some may say that it is not possible. Well, it is possible, but you need a set of values, the right mindset and a strong business model.
Come and learn with us how 1+1=3. Wrong mathematics? Maybe, but good business. All you need to remember is to share the added 1 with your ecosystem.
“Someone is sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago” – Warren Buffett. Plant your own tree, online.
EnMind events across Europe
Why do I join?
Erasmus+ events are good opportunities to gain new transferable skills and boost your employability. If you are wondering how to turn a business idea into a workable business model, come and meet our experts, online and offline. If you want to become an entrepreneur, you need to know if that is right for you. Come and find out!

Who can join?
Anyone, really, from pupils to experienced managers. Why? Because the purpose of our events is to meet different people, potential customers and suppliers for example. From various interactions people can get new ideas, can verify market needs, can test business models or may find their next employee or business angel.
Our Erasmus events are carefully prepared to give you sufficient arguments to develop an entrepreneurial mindset. We deliver virtual virtual and classroom entrepreneurship courses and organize face to face seminars to share good practices and promote social entrepreneurship.
We share what works!
Engage with likeminded people!
12 modules on Social Entrepreneurship to spark your mind
Social Entrepreneurship
Module 1
Social entrepreneurship
Social Entrepreneurship
Module 2
Sustainable Development Goals
Social Entrepreneurship
Module 3
Impact of social entrepreneurship on society
Social Entrepreneurship
Module 4
Creating social enterprises
Social Entrepreneurship
Module 5
Business idea
Social Entrepreneurship
Module 6 SOAR
analysis for creating a value proposition
Social Entrepreneurship
Module 7
Business models
Social Entrepreneurship
Module 8
Social business models
Social Entrepreneurship
Module 9
Pitch your business
Social Entrepreneurship
Module 10
Funding opportunities
Social Entrepreneurship
Module 11
Measuring performance
Social Entrepreneurship
Module 12
Marketing strategies
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Our Partners
Find out all the partners which are part of our family!
A multi-disciplinary, complementary partnership consisting of four NGOs from Romania, Italy, Turkey and Poland together with 16 associated partners work for you. Follow us to develop and entrepreneurial mindset and skills that you will take with you forever. Find more about our activities.
The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents. The contents reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership: Entrepreneurial mindset for future youth work, ID 2020-1-RO01-KA205-078727
Hi everyone,
I am a youth worker from Romania and our volunteers have asked us for some social entrepreneurship courses. Luckily, I found this platform which is just what I needed.
Hi everyone,
I also find the platform useful. But I am a trainer and I want to use the materials to deliver paid courses. Any idea, am I allowed to do that?
Many thank!
Hi Andreea,
I am one of the platform admins. All these materials were created under the CC BY license. That means that you can modify and use as you like, as long as you mention the source.
I hope this helps!
Voglio aprire un ristorante di imprenditoria sociale. Qualcuno ha un esempio?
Ciao Luca,
Prova La Locanda del Giullare. Puoi prendere spunto dal loro sito web: https://lalocandadelgiullare.it/
Where I can do a social entrepreneurship course and get a certificate?
Follow this link and it will take you to a free social entrepreneurship course with exam and certificate upon completion: https://courses.trainingclub.eu/course/index.php?categoryid=12.
Am gasit acest interviu despre comunitate si m-am gandit sa il impartasesc cu voi, in contextul antreprenoriatului social contrat pe nevoile comunitatii: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bog3DYae16w
Eu mi-as dori sa vad mai multe initiative de antreprenoriat social in domeniul mediului. Spre exemplu, inca reciclam foarte putin. Am gasit un exemplu din Constanta, Colectare Deseuri Constanta , poate mai sunt si altele, dar inca nu este suficient.
Cine ma poate ajuta cu scrierea unui proiect pe fonduri europene pentru antreprenoriat social?
Multumesc anticipat!
Buna Viorela,
Poti sa incerci sa intrebi la Camera de Comert Constanta. Mai sunt si alte firme de consultanta (mai mult sau mai putin serioase).
I was looking for good examples of social entrepreneurship. I found Ashoka https://www.ashoka.org/ro-ro, apparently the largest entity on social entrepreneurship, founded by Bill Drayton in the 1980’s.
Hi everyone,
If you are interested to learn more about social entrepreneurship, you can follow our course and get certified at https://courses.trainingclub.eu/. There are good quality materials and it is absolutely free. Enjoy!
Ce spuneti de antreprenoriatul feminin? Cred ca ar trebui sustinut mai mult. Vad ca sunt si ceva initiative in sensul acesta: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zyt-27zFkT4
I was looking for entrepreneurship ideas in my local area and I found Pathways Software Solutions. It is an IT startup founded in the city of Constanta at the end of 2020. The company, certified as a social enterprise, aims to support the medical sector in Constanta and Romania by developing integrated medical solutions, later offered to clinics/hospitals, creating software to order in any field, or consultancy in European funds.
Seems like a success story in developing a social business and receiving European founding.
As an example of social entrepreneurship, I found TOMS Shoes, which is a socially conscious, for-profit company that was founded in 2006 with the mission of providing shoes to people in need. Through the One for One model, the company donates a pair of new shoes to a person in need for every pair purchased. Very interesting!
Hi, I am passionate about eco tourism, particularly because I live into a touristic area.
I looked up and found that Eco-tourism initiatives are a form of social entrepreneurship that focus on providing sustainable tourism opportunities to visitors while also benefiting the local environment. Eco-tourism initiatives typically involve educating tourists about the importance of preserving the natural environment and promoting sustainable practices, such as reducing water and energy use, using local materials, and supporting local businesses.
A good way to help preserve the environment while also creating economic opportunities for local people.