Erasmus Training Courses

In January 2021 we have started activities related to project called Online support for youth in risk which is funded by the program Erasmus+.

Project activities are coordinated by Polish Foundation po DRUGIE and implemented in cooperation with five European organizations: SOPRO from Portugal, Social Welfare Center of Central Macedonia from Greece, Fio.PSD – organization from Italy, Association Team4Excellence from Romania and DrogArt from Slovenia. 


Supporting youth

Have you ever been in a difficult life situation, thinking to leave the education system or having difficulties with getting a job. Do you feel that talking to a friend to share your feelings and needs is not the right solution? We are here for you!

Our scope

Online Support for Youth at Risk

We promote, engage, connect and empower young people. It is your chance to gain new civic skills in an socially inclusive environment. Get in contact with us to strengthen your sense of empowerment and to develop such attitude that allows you to create your own initiatives in the future.

Our team

Career guidance in adult education

Joined forces for empowerment of youth in an European context. Because we value your ideas and opinions about building and maintaining on-line relationship with peers and colleagues, we invite you to be part of our team!

You are not alone!

Support Path in Poland

Online Support for Youth at Risk

Many young people in Poland and across Europe are facing many challenges and risks. For that, they need support. This support can come from youth workers. However, the youth workers themselves need competences and information. While our Practitioner Guide and Handbook help youth and social workers to get the necessary skills, the Support Path helps them with relevant information to support youth at risk. Click below to view the support path in English or Polish.


How can I find support

These are places where you can find specialist support. Our community of educators, specialists and youth workers is ready willing to listen and provide professional advice.

Portugal Small Size

Você não está sozinho

Esses são os locais onde você pode encontrar suporte especializado. Nossa comunidade de educadores, especialistas e trabalhadores jovens está pronta para ouvir e fornecer conselhos profissionais.


CASA Porto has been working with the weakest population in the city of Porto and surroundings since 2008. It has a team of approximately 400 volunteers who daily, with a friendly word, a meal or other type of support, go to those who need it most. They distribute hot meals daily in the city of Porto and we deliver food baskets to families at risk in the cities of Porto, Paredes and Felgueiras. They are responsible for coordinating the Solidário Restaurant, a network that serves dinners with seating and variety, 365 days a year.

  • EMAIL:
  • PHONE: +351 967827650

Face to face conversation


APAV has as main objectives Supporting victims of crime, their families and friends, providing them with quality, free and confidential services, and contributing to the improvement of public, social and private policies centered on the victim’s status.

  • EMAIL:
  • PHONE: +351 21 358 79 00

Face to face conversation


CRESCER – Going to meet the other promoting health, risk reduction and inclusion of the person in a vulnerable situation through intervention projects in the community.

  • EMAIL:
  • PHONE: +351 213 620 192

No Bully

No Bully Portugal is a non-profit association, founded in 2016 to end bullying in Portugal. We work with schools to provide them with the tools they need to prevent, stop and resolve bullying among students.

  • EMAIL:

Associação Plano I

Associação Plano i, based in Porto, is a non-governmental association with IPSS status, which seeks to provide concrete answers to a wide range of current social issues, namely inequality, discrimination, violence, exclusion and poverty. Thus, the Plano i Association presents itself as a collective committed to promoting equality through the dissemination of discourses and the implementation of inclusion practices. Based on different identity belongings, such as gender, ethnicity, nationality, age, sexual orientation and functional diversity, Associação Plano i aims to develop a common social project that values people in what they have to specific: its history, path and culture.

  • E-mail:
Romania Small Size

Nu ești singur

Acestea sunt locuri unde puteți găsi asistență de specialitate. Comunitatea noastră de educatori, specialiști și lucrători de tineret este gata să asculte și să ofere sfaturi profesioniste.

Centrul de prevenire, evaluare și consiliere antidrog

The Anti-Drug Prevention, Evaluation and Counselling Centre of Constanta provides support through the day centre for drug addicts, for people with different addictions: drugs, alcohol, other toxic substances. The Centre’s services are free and confidential. As a therapeutic model, the centre’s services are provided according to the Standards of the National System of Medical, Psychological and Social Assistance to Drug Users, taking into account a bio-psycho-social approach.

Online support via email


The General Directorate of Social Assistance and Child Protection of Constanta offer a range of services depending on the specifics and stage of the problem faced by each individual:

  • Information and guidance;
  • Specialist assistance and support;
  • Socio-family assessment;
  • Social counselling;
  • Psychological assessment;
  • Psychological counselling;
  • Conflict mediation and negotiation;
  • Support in the form of financial/material benefits to support the child and his/her family;
  • Support and/or accompaniment in dealing with other public authorities or competent institutions/organisations;
  • Representation in relations with other authorities.

Emergency reception services for victims of domestic violence and care and assistance services for victims of domestic violence.

  • EMAIL: 
  • PHONE: +40241480859;  +40241480851

 Online support via email

Organizatia Salvati copiii

The Save the Children organisation through the Day Centre for children from vulnerable groups in Constanta offers support for the protection of children’s rights and active participation in society. Young people have the opportunity to express their opinions, to be involved in making decisions that concern them or to take action. Through the “Education for Health” programme, the organisation aims to support the development of a school culture that promotes children’s physical and emotional health and protects them from violent behaviour by translating the values of education and protection into specific content, skills and activities for children in all school cycles, implemented by volunteer peer educators, teachers, school nurses and doctors. The children’s outreach programme is structured into four thematic modules: sex education, nutrition, health education, positive relationships in the school environment, and combating violence and bullying behaviour.

Agenția Națională pentru Egalitatea de Șanse între Femei și Bărbați

The National Agency for Equal Opportunities for Women and Men has set up a toll-free hotline for victims of domestic violence to report situations of domestic violence, human trafficking, gender discrimination or multiple discrimination, to prevent and combat domestic violence. This service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Counsellors can provide brief information on the steps they can take to prevent and combat domestic violence, primary legal and psychological counselling, and referral of victims to the relevant institutions in their vicinity, where they will receive support and guidance to available services in the area.

Asociaţiei ”Zâmbeşte pentru Viitor”

The “Smile for the Future” Association support young people when they need it, facilitate social integration, so that they do not know the experience of living on the streets, in deprivation and problems. The association provides a hotline dedicated to young people, adults or people at social risk who want and need free legal advice and psychological counselling through the hotline. Psychologists and social workers offer specialized services of psychological counselling, emotional support, social integration therapies and last but not least the promotion of a healthy and active lifestyle. 

Slovenia Small Size

Niste sami

To so kraji, kjer lahko poiščete strokovno podporo. Naša skupnost vzgojiteljev, specialistov in mladinskih delavcev je pripravljena prisluhniti in svetovati.

Centri za socialno delo

Centres of social work offer the widest range of help for youth in trouble

  Continuous support

CPM – Center za pomoč mladim

Youth Aid Centre Association – YACA is a non-profit organization uniting professional and voluntary work in the field of the rights and mental health of young people aged among 15 and 29. They are dealing with all problems that concern this population: school or study problems, problems in relationship with parents or other people, poverty and social exclusion, unemployment, drug abuse, providing information and publishing.

  • EMAIL:
  • PHONE: + 386 31 323 573


DrogArt has been working for more than 20 years to reduce the harmful effects of drugs and alcohol among young people. It is a non-profit non-governmental organization with the status of a humanitarian and voluntary organization and an organization in the public interest in the youth sector. DrogArt carries out field activities, drug testing, counseling, psychotherapy and informing, striving to operate primarily peer-to-peer.

  • EMAIL:
  • PHONE: + 386 1 439 72 70

Društvo parada ponosa

The Purpose of the Pride Parade Association is to contribute to the establishment of a society that will be non-discriminatory, inclusive and open to all individuals, regardless of their gender, sexual orientation, sexual identity or any other personal circumstance. It was established with the aim of safeguard the human rights and interests of LGBTIQ+ population. They focus also on youth homelessness.

  • EMAIL: 
  • PHONE: +386 40 773 586

Kralji ulice

The Association for Help and Self-Help of the Homeless Kralji ulice is an independent non-governmental humanitarian organization with non-profit goals. It brings together experts and other individuals dealing with homelessness and related phenomena and individuals, who experience homelessness and related social exclusion. They take care of the study, knowledge and research of homelessness, the prevention of homelessness, the improvement of the living conditions of the homeless, the development of practical forms of work in the field of homelessness and journalistic activity in this field.


Legebitra is a LGBT civil society organization, active in the fields of human rights, education, mental, physical and sexual health, and advocates social and systemic changes based on respect for sexual orientation, gender identity and/or gender expression. It takes into account the intersection of other personal circumstances, such as health, nationality, race or ethnic origin, language, religion or belief, handicap, age, social status, wealth, education or any other personal circumstance.

  • EMAIL:
  • PHONE: +38 614 305 144


Logout is the first specialized help centre in Slovenia for children, young people and adults facing risky online behaviours and digital addiction.

  • PHONE: +386 80 7376


The MISSS Institute is basically an information and counseling center, they are accessible to everyone and offer help to a wide range of youth and youth workers. They focus also on immigrants and their social inclusion.

  • EMAIL:
  • PHONE: +386 1 510 16 75

Mladi Zmaji (Young Dragons)

The Public Institute Young Dragons’ was founded in 2009 by the City of Ljubljana with the aim of providing programs that enable young people and adolescents to enjoy quality leisure time. The goal of the institute is to provide the possibility of development and the support for young people and their families to help them on their way to independence.

  • PHONE: +386 1 306 40 64
Greece Small Size

Δεν είσαι μόνος

Αυτά είναι μέρη όπου μπορείτε να βρείτε ειδική υποστήριξη. Η κοινότητά μας από εκπαιδευτικούς, ειδικούς και νέους εργαζομένους είναι έτοιμη να ακούσει και να παρέχει επαγγελματικές συμβουλές.


The center provides a supportive framework to children and families affected by the crisis. Providing opportunities for children, adolescents and young people to:
1) To strengthen their physical and mental health and with the help of experts in order to process in the least painful way, the experienced and harsh reality caused by the crisis
2) To promote the development of their skills, sociability, cooperation and performance at school
3) To improve their living conditions

  • EMAIL:
  • PHONE: +302310587180

Face to face conversation


Counseling and psychosocial support aimed at exploring the needs of young people, mobilizing them to solve problems and strengthening those elements of their personality that are important for enhancing their self-esteem and subsequent individual and social development.

Among services:

  • Experiential – non – formal education groups on issues that concern young people
  • Creative workshops aimed at improving individual and social skills but also the creative use of free time
  • Educational support that includes literacy courses, remedial teaching and computer courses
  • Preparing for inclusion in education and employment promotion, through individual vocational guidance, job search techniques, support and placement of young people in jobs
  • Legal advice and information aimed at informing and protecting the fundamental rights of young people
  • Liaison with other agencies, services and programs
  • Organization of social and recreational activities
  • Short hospitality in emergencies and referral to relevant hosting institutions
  • Provision of emergency items (food, clothing, toys, school supplies)
  • Counselling and Vocational Guidance Service


  • EMAIL:
  • PHONE: +30 2310 228850 and 2311 243058


The Center provide free of charge at Child and Family Support Centers concern:

  • Assessment – diagnosis of children and parents
  • Systematic counseling and support to parents for the proper treatment of family problems
  • Psychological support for children and parents
  • Psychotherapeutic intervention
  • Speech therapy
  • Special Education for children with learning difficulties
  • Psychopedagogical activities
  • Creative activities for children
  • Material assistance in food, school and other basic necessities


  • EMAIL: ;
  • PHONE: +30 210 33 13 661-3 ; 2310 226 644

Refugee day center Alkioni

Refugee day center Alkioni provide catering services, distribution of clothing and inedible items, personal hygiene – washing machines and showers and other social service.

  • EMAIL:
  • PHONE: +30 (2315) 530644


The Center serves hundreds of our people in need daily, who receive high quality free social, psychological, and legal support services, employment support services and accounting services. The target population groups are those who either already are or are at risk of being socially excluded, such as:

a) people with little or no income, irrespective of national or ethnic origin;
b) migrants who have not yet found their place in society;
c) minorities (such as the Roma);
d) refugees and asylum seekers;
e) young people who are out of employment or education

  • EMAIL:
  • PHONE: +30 210 6772500
Italy Small Size

Non sei solo

Questi sono luoghi in cui puoi trovare supporto specialistico. La nostra comunità di educatori, specialisti e operatori giovanili è pronta ad ascoltare e fornire consulenza professionale.

Centro Diaconale La Noce Istituto Valdese– Palermo

The Center is a non-profit organization born in Fifteens and based in Palermo. It provides support for disadvantaged families and children, helping them to overcome social, cultural and psychophysical barriers.
It provides:
– Kindergartner and Primary school; – Parenting support for families at risk; -Housing support for mother with children, Unaccompanied Foreign Minors, inmates; Rehabilitation support for children and adult with disabilities.

  • EMAIL:
  • PHONE: +390916817941

Face to face conversation

Coop. Soc. REM - Chioggia

Coop. Soc. REM is a Social Cooperative, based in Chioggia (VE). It carries out Housing First and Co-Housing projects, for families and individuals experiencing social and housing disadvantage. It provides support and accompaniment services in order to promote social integration and empowering people, and struggle economic disadvantage, educational poverty, risk of social isolation and marginalization.

  • PHONE: +393801952442

Croce Rossa - Milano

Croce Rossa Italiana – Comitato di Milano, is an association, based in Milan, member of Croce Rossa Italiana. Its mission is to prevent and relieve human soffering, protect life and health and garantee the respect of human being. It carries out several projects and activities in the fields of health, social, emergency to support vulnerable population.

  • EMAIL:
  • PHONE: 39023883

Refugee day center Alkioni

Based in Bologna, the Refugee day center Alkioni provides several services to support homeless people, through work placement opportunity. It carries out:
– Housing First projects for people experiencing homelessness, families and young people,
– Outreach Support Service
– Low-threshold services, providing early support
– Help Center, for people without formal address
– Rostom Shelter, for people with urgent needs
– Air project, a second reception center for asylum seekers
– Several Community workshops, dedicated to homeless people anche citizens, to promote socialization.

  • EMAIL:
  • PHONE: +39051372223

Avvocato di Strada

Avvocato di Strada was born in 2001, is a volunteer organization, with front offices in more than 50 italian cities. It promote social solidariety and carries out its activities in favor of homeless people and migrants, providing free legal assistance.

  • EMAIL:
  • PHONE: +39051227143

Coop. Il Samaritano - Caritas Diocesana Veronese

Coop. Il Samaritano – Caritas Diocesana Veronese was born in 2006 and based in Verona, is a Social Cooperative, aand provides support to individual and families, such as housing, reception for adult, social integration and work placement services, soup kitchen, food distribution and shower, daily center.

  • EMAIL:
  • PHONE: +390452478673

Join our activities

Peers can provide support. Talking to the person, sharing one’s concerns, and being present is often a good start. We do not share judgmental opinions like “you’ll get over it”, “it’s not that bad”, “just do more efforts”, but rather we ask how can we help as best as possible.

Join us!

Practitioner Guide

It has never been easier to join our community! E-mail us and share your experiences and needs that you felt in certain moment of you life. Your experience will help a young people who need your valuable support in stabilizing a crisis situation. “The biggest thing is to let your voice be heard, let your story be heard.”
— Dwyane Wade

CHEGA Mais and ENVOLVER projects

The CHEGA Mais and ENVOLVER project, are projects developed by ONGD - SOPRO. These are prevention/intervention in Dating / Domestic Violence and (Un) Gender Equality projects, aimed at the technical training of audiences who intervene in the community in general...

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Teenager Motherhood

Pregnant underage girl - shame, demoralization, lack of parental care, irresponsibility. Teenage motherhood tends to be reminiscent of negative judgments and etiquette. In fact, it can be agreed that the age of fourteen or fifteen is not the right time for parenthood....

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Early community intervention

Georgia Chatzichristou & Argiris Alexiadis At the end of 2013 in Greece, during the economic crisis and the pressure in which were, mainly the lower economic strata of society, the Social Welfare Center of Central Macedonia based in the city of Thessaloniki,...

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Assistive technology

SUMMARYThe purpose of this article is to present good practices of assistive technology in the education of persons with intellectual disabilities. In continuation, we will mention how technology contributes in the improvement of these individuals’ life. Equipment and...

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Writing and Visual Arts

author: fio.PSDIn this particular historical phase, in which we are faced with an increasingly society fluid and hybrid, where the dimension of the community makes it difficult to find space, it emerges the need to emphasize the importance of the relationship...

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Housing First in Chioggia

The REM Cooperative hosts a young family consisting of E., F., J. and F. Jr. in one of the apartments of the Housing Project in the historic center of the city of Chioggia. E. is a 25-year-old Italian girl from Campania. F. is 35 years old and arrived in Italy as a...

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Fear Rage and Hope of young homeless

According to what emerges from the survey conducted by the fio.PSD Observatory among its members on services for homelessness and homeless people, in recent years in Italy there has been an increase in groups of the population particularly vulnerable and exposed to...

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In and out housing services

Author: fio.PSDThis is the story of a young migrant, who has experienced homelessness since his childhood. Biographies of young people experiencing homelessness are composed of periods of in-and-out of temporary, insecure or inadequate accommodations, of moments in...

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Young homeless migrants

When I was in middle school, I did not really have friends. The other pupils did not seem to like me a lot. They were often making fun of me, of what I was doing, of how I looked, calling me names. I was excluded from any group or after-school activities, always being...

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Domestic Violence

On Monday I participated in a Focus Group "Youth in crisis" organized by the Team4Excellence Association. We discussed the problems that young people face. Because I am recovering from domestic violence and the trauma left from it, I have some ideas to share with...

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Youth is the most beautiful and special age when we're full of energy, ideas and hopes. However every young person is facing problems and some of them are really serious. The difficulties like physical, verbal or sexual abuse, bullying, alcohol/drug addiction, stress,...

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When I was in middle school, I did not really have friends. The other pupils did not seem to like me a lot. They were often making fun of me, of what I was doing, of how I looked, calling me names. I was excluded from any group or after-school activities, always being...

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Social media pressure

Social media has an important place in our everyday lives. I use it every day, and even more since the Covid-19 crisis. It became my only way to keep in contact with other people. It helped me feel less lonely as we all had to stay inside our homes. I also use social...

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Peer pressure

“What I wish for all students is some release from the clammy grip of the future. I wish them a chance to savor each segment of their education as an experience in itself and not as a grim preparation for the next step. I wish them the right to experiment, to trip and...

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Cooperation in European context has many advantages. We invite you to choose those results that are most relevant for you.

All you need is a genuine desire to support youth. Will provide you a collection of guidelines for working with youth in crisis, both online & face to face, and a very useful handbook for working with youth at crisis.

Stay tuned to hear about what’s new in our Erasmus project.

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Our Partners

Find out all the partners which are part of our family!

The project is carried out by a multi-disciplinary, complementary partnership consisting of organisations from 6 EU countries: Romania, Slovenia, Italy, Greece, Portugal and Poland. Online Support for Youth at Risks is a good chance for us to enhance our capabilities of working with young people​. Find more about our activities.

Erasmus training courses co financed logo
DrogArt Slovenia logo
TEAM4Excellence Romania logo
FioPSD Italy logo
Fundacja Po Drugje Poland logo
Social Welfare Centre of Central Macedonia Greece logo
SOPRO – Solidariedade e Promocao ONGD Portugal logo

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents. The contents reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership: Online Support for Youth at Risk, ID 2020-2-PL01-KA205-082591