So, if you will embrace going abroad and you need some secrets to your Volunteering experience, in our blog you will find it. We create this section to share with you all the Romania guides, how can you make the most of your Free Time and some ways to improve your Media Knowledge. And we also add from our own countries so you can find more about around the world. Click this categories to read more. From us to you: all the tips that you need to survive this crazy adventure

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Our purpose

Our purpose

Some of you might be wondering why exactly we are conducting our workshops in Constanta. We ourselves contempate this as well at times, as our purpose might not appear to be so self-evident. The reason why we were called to this city was to help raise the level of...

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Report writing

Report writing

On the first week of January, as all Romanian students are still celebrating holidays, we are now at work in the University of Constanta. Filled with renewed energy thanks to our holiday breaks we are working on the reports of our workshops. Of course we are...

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First of all, happy new year 2020! May this year be better than the previous ones and full of love and health for you and your beloved ones. After a Christmas break in our respective countries (except for Guillaume who stayed in Constanta), we are back to continue...

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Despre mindfulness, din Slovacia

Despre mindfulness, din Slovacia

"În seara zilei de 15 Noiembrie, 30 de lucrători de tineret s-au întâlnit la Hotel Phoenix, Slovacia, pentru a parcurge un jurnal al schimbării. Folosind metode non-formale precum "Nume+semn" și "Human bingo", au început prin a se cunoaște și a vorbi despre ei....

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It’s all about sharing

It’s all about sharing

Two months and a half we are in Constanta and we’ve been asked many times if we noticed differences between the schools and the students here. Spoiler alert: yes, of course. We’ve been to more than five schools already and every time it was different. Classes from a...

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The new workshop story

The new workshop story

October is over, so as the first workshop over social media. This week, we started a new activity we had some trouble to come up with to be honest. After the success of the first workshop, we wanted to do as good as we did on October but ideas didn’t show up easily....

read more is a brand name of TEAM4Excellence. We support people and organisations across Europe to benefit from Erasmus+ opportunities.