Welcome to our innovative Erasmus+ digital education ecosystem. This ecosystem aims at supporting VET providers deliver attractive online learning experiences with the use of gamification. In addition, the transnational dimension and cross-sectoral competencies increase the quality and effectiveness of its results. Moreover, integrating knowledge and exchanging good practices is expected to help teachers adopt gamification solutions. As a result of the 2-year work period, VET teachers create attractive learning experiences increasing learners’ motivation. For wide benefit, a complete educational resources toolkit comprising multilingual educational materials are created in English, Romanian, Italian and Turkish. Keep an eye on these and be part of our community to fight for the rights to quality education.
The first stage is dedicated to design the methodology for identification of relevant game based practices. After that, the practices are analised and validated through Focus Groups before issuing the national reports. Later on, the results serve as basis for development of new game based learning solutions for attractive education.
All four partners contribute to Co-design Lab activity to define the relevant characteristics for the innovative game based solutions. These characteristics will be integrated in educational games and will be piloted in partners countries. End users of the games, VET learners evaluate the results throughout the project implementation.
Benefiting from the cross-sectoral competencies, the INNOVET team will design, develop, test and maintain the online game based learning solutions. Upon testing the alfa version, partners will develop tutorials, demonstrations and online training modules. Finally, project experts will integrate a multilingual user manual into the INNOVET Digital Educational System.
Create your own game based learning activities!
Open Access to online learning courses
INNOVET consortium develop an digital education ecosystem to increase the engagement and motivation in e-learning through Game-Based Learning solutions.
Our scope
Enhancing digital transformation in VET organizations.
Creating real and sustainable value by preparing learners for an increasingly integrated and globalized economy.
Increasing the relevance and attractiveness of vocational education and training.
Benefits of e-learning platform
Open access – login without bureaucratic obligations. Click here to see.
Free learning opportunities – develop key competences and get certificate of recognition
VET learners connect with international peers to foster personal development and social inclusion
Events across Europe
Priority: increasing the awareness of participants and their organizations about the Game-based Learning best practices for digital environments for addressing the leaners needs.
If you chose to attend to our activities, you will find out how to improve your relevant skills and get recognition for the skills you already own. We guide you to assess the acquired skills and build gradually your VET learning skills portfolio.
Gamify your lessons like a Pro
Video tutorials
We share what works!
Engage with likeminded people!
Our Partners
Find out all the partners which are part of our family!
A multi-disciplinary, complementary partnership consisting of two NGOs from Romania and Italy and two educational institutions from Turkey and Romania, together with 20 associated partners will work for you. Thus, you will benefit from a multilingual non-formal learning environment. Find more about our activities.
The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents. The contents reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
“Game-Based Learning: Innovative e-learning pedagogies for VET educators”, ID 2021-1-RO01-KA220-VET-000030350