Despre mindfulness, din Slovacia
“În seara zilei de 15 Noiembrie, 30 de lucrători de tineret s-au întâlnit la Hotel Phoenix, Slovacia, pentru a parcurge un jurnal al schimbării. Folosind metode non-formale precum “Nume+semn” și “Human bingo”, au început prin a se...
It’s all about sharing
Two months and a half we are in Constanta and we’ve been asked many times if we noticed differences between the schools and the students here. Spoiler alert: yes, of course. We’ve been to more than five schools already and every time it was different. Classes from a...
The new workshop story
October is over, so as the first workshop over social media. This week, we started a new activity we had some trouble to come up with to be honest. After the success of the first workshop, we wanted to do as good as we did on October but ideas didn’t show up easily....
Exploring beyond Constanta
Our volunteering journey continues… This week we learnt that our reputation had expanded outside of Constanta on Wednesday, when we went to a high school out of the city for the first time, in the neighboring town of Eforie Sud. The location of this school...