
These days there are many vulnerable young people aged 15 to 29 in the European Union, who are not in education, employment or training (NEETs). The Youth unemployment in the EU has increased Following the COVID Pandemic from 15% in 2019 to 17.8% in December 2020, being this indicator much higher in some member states. Even though some measures have been taken to mitigate the problem both at the European, national and regional levels, it seems that they have not proved sufficient results due to its seriousness. Therefore, a collaborative approach is needed to tackle the situation.
Training Programme
A course aimed at training Socio Inclusion workers to become trainers of The Follow-us Training Programme for NEETs, as it requires professionals who are proactive towards working with the target group and knows well their needs.
Trainer UpSkill Course
The Trainer UpSkill Course is designed for education centres and Social Inclusion organizations. It provides the necessary knowledge and skill to the trainers of the Follow-us Programme for NEETs. We invite all those interested to join the EPALE discussion group.
Follow-us Platform
The Follow-us Platform is a resource where SMEs that are struggling with their Social Media presence can request free of charge help from young people. At the same time NEETs can connect to the real labour market.
About FollowUs
FollowUs’ aim involves finding a way to address the main issues NEETs are facing, which are social exclusion, disconnection from groups and demotivation to become again part of the active society.
The project develops the tools that will address NEETs needs within the frame of “The Follow-us Training Programme for NEETs”
The solution
For all the foregoing reasons and ticking most of the boxes of the EU NEETs outreach strategy, the solution is to use Social Media as a tool to encourage target groups to get educated by a training programme with innovative contents that will provide them with enough knowledge and skills and with a certificate that employers can trust.
Furthermore, the consortium designs an app connects NEETs with SMEs that can not afford to have a social media department or are not making enough use of them.
This app follows a win-win strategy since SMEs are able to request online content free of charge and allow NEETs to get a job and be positive members of society.
– Connecting and educating NEETs through a motivational training programme of Social Media that will provide them with a certificate.
– Designing an application where NEETS are contacted by SMEs to create social media content and, therefore, allows them to finalise the training programme, gain experience and build their own portfolio.
– Upskill trainers and social workers in the subject of Social Media by developing the Trainers Upskill course.
– Providing SMEs with a free tool that will function as a SM department.
– Creating a Community of Practice of those enrolling the course in order to get them connected and therefore avoid future marginalization.
Video Tutorial
FollowUs Events in Romania
Target groups: young people: Including those Not in Education, Employment, or Training (NEETS), those with fewer opportunities and those with difficult backgrounds, Trainers and Social Workers, small and medium enterprises.
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The Erasmus + call offers an opportunity to promote social inclusion and reach out to NEETs and SMEs affected by socio-economic difficulties by contributing to creating inclusive environments that foster equity and equality, and that are responsive to their needs.
The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents. The contents reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Follow-us – NEETs as Social Media Managers for SMEs – ID: 2021-1-ES01-KA220-VET-000034691