Introduction to the Media Field : Part 2

Introduction to the Media Field : Part 2

Part 2 : Role and power of Media     Culture and information The media are basically done for disseminate information and culture. They are two different notions. Culture is a general term who designs the personal knowledge you get to the contact of different reading,...
Introduction to the Media Field : Part 1

Introduction to the Media Field : Part 1

What is Media ?  In first, media was defined by the way to deliver information. Basically all the channel of communication, all the way to deliver massively an information are media.                                                                                     ...
Back to business!

Back to business!

And yes, we are still here. In case you were wondering what took us so long to be back, well, let me explain. So in January, many things happened. First, we spent hours on paperwork. Because yes, not only the schools ask for reports, but also the European Union. As...
Chasing Dracula …

Chasing Dracula …

We had the possibility to travel trough Romania for a whole week, last week we took the chance and started our trip in the early Saturday morning. As it was a surprise for most of us, because only Lison and Sara planned the trip, we were excited about where we were...
Our purpose

Our purpose

Some of you might be wondering why exactly we are conducting our workshops in Constanta. We ourselves contempate this as well at times, as our purpose might not appear to be so self-evident. The reason why we were called to this city was to help raise the level of...
Report writing

Report writing

On the first week of January, as all Romanian students are still celebrating holidays, we are now at work in the University of Constanta. Filled with renewed energy thanks to our holiday breaks we are working on the reports of our workshops. Of course we are...