So, if you will embrace going abroad and you need some secrets to your Volunteering experience, in our blog you will find it. We create this section to share with you all the Romania guides, how can you make the most of your Free Time and some ways to improve your Media Knowledge. And we also add from our own countries so you can find more about around the world. Click this categories to read more. From us to you: all the tips that you need to survive this crazy adventure

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Support groups

Support groups

Youth in a homelessness crisis meet once a week in support groups at the Fundacja po DRUGIE's office Meetings are moderated by 2 members of the staff. Every Saturday at the organization's office at 4 p.m. you can talk about current topics, raise bothering issues, and...

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Training Flats

Training Flats

For 8 years,  Fundacja po DRUGIE has been running the Training Apartments Project for young people in a homeless crisis. We currently have 17 places where people from 18 to 25 can find accommodation. There are regulations in the apartments that focus on solving...

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Introduction to the Media Field : Part 1

Introduction to the Media Field : Part 1

What is Media ?  In first, media was defined by the way to deliver information. Basically all the channel of communication, all the way to deliver massively an information are media.                                                                                     ...

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Back to business!

Back to business!

And yes, we are still here. In case you were wondering what took us so long to be back, well, let me explain. So in January, many things happened. First, we spent hours on paperwork. Because yes, not only the schools ask for reports, but also the European Union. As...

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Chasing Dracula …

Chasing Dracula …

We had the possibility to travel trough Romania for a whole week, last week we took the chance and started our trip in the early Saturday morning. As it was a surprise for most of us, because only Lison and Sara planned the trip, we were excited about where we were...

read more is a brand name of TEAM4Excellence. We support people and organisations across Europe to benefit from Erasmus+ opportunities.