The Art of Navigation,December 2024,Romania

The Art of Navigation,December 2024,Romania

The Art of Navigation This week, our volunteers led a fascinating workshop at Mihai Eminescu National College, Liceul Tehnologic Gheorghe Duca and Școala Gimnazială Nr. 30 Gheorghe Țițeica, focusing on the basics of maritime navigation. The goal was to help students...
Electrification of fossil fuel uses, November 2024, Romania

Electrification of fossil fuel uses, November 2024, Romania

Electrification of fossil fuel uses   This week, volunteers facilitated an engaging workshop in Mihai Eminescu National College, Liceul CFR and Scoala Gimnaziala Nr.30 Gheorghe Titeica on the topic of electrification of fossil fuel uses. The main objective was to...
Interpersonal communication, November 2024, Romania

Interpersonal communication, November 2024, Romania

Interpersonal Communication This week, volunteers facilitated a workshop on interpersonal communication at Mihai Eminescu National College, Liceul CFR and  Scoala Gimnaziala Nr.30 Gheorghe Titeica. The main objectives of this workshop were to understand the complexity...
Navigational Mastery workshop , November 2024, Romania

Navigational Mastery workshop , November 2024, Romania

Navigational Mastery workshop On Thursday, November 7, our volunteers hosted an engaging Navigational Mastery workshop at Mihai Eminescu National College ,Liceul CFR and  Scoala Gimnaziala Nr.30 Gheorghe Titeica. This workshop was designed to introduce students to the...
Exploring Blue Skills – LTTA, October 2024, Romania

Exploring Blue Skills – LTTA, October 2024, Romania

Exploring Blue Skills On Wednesday, 6th October, we visited Lazăr Edeleanu Technological High School to participate in the reception of Turkish students as part of an Erasmus+ exchange. Indeed this visit allowed us to introduce the Sustainable Development Goals...