Creative Brand Builders, October 2024, Romania
Creative Brand Builders Last week on Monday, 7 October, our volunteer teams made an activity about marketing at Mihai Eminescu National College and Scoala Gimnaziala Nr.30 Gheorghe Titeica for teenagers aged between 13 and 18 years. The goal of the activity was to...
Overconsumption, October 2024, Romania
Overconsumption This week we carried out an activity on overconsumption in the Mihai Eminescu National College schools. Using a Mentimeter, a tool that students appreciate, we were interested in their definition of the term, its causes and their tips for limiting it....
Technological hope, October 2024, Romania
Technological Hope We had the pleasure of conducting a workshop focused on “Technological Hope” in schools this week. This is a concept that aims shifted the perspective towards how technology can shape own aspirations and our hopes for a better world....