Visit the Technology Bus, Adana, Turkey, June 2021

Visit the Technology Bus, Adana, Turkey, June 2021

Robo Youth Meeting, June 2021, Turkey During 25-27th of June, our team traveled to Turkey to meet with partners from Turkey and Poland in the project “ROBO YOUTH – Partnership for innovative new technology education”, an Erasmus + Program Strategic partnership...
Privește Lumea Erasmus, Constanta, Romania

Privește Lumea Erasmus, Constanta, Romania

Conference “Erasmus for all” Ziua dedicată internaționalizării educației 12 licee, școli generale, universități, ong-uri, organizații studențești și centre educaționale au promovat educația non-formală la nivel european. Conferința a început cu o gală a proiectelor...
Robo youth, Zamość, Poland

Robo youth, Zamość, Poland

ROBO YOUTH Partnership for innovative new technology education     The project summary The main goal of the project is to create a strategic partnership to support innovative non-formal education for young people in the field of modern technologies: robotics,...