ROBO Youth Event, August 2022, Constanta, Romania

ROBO Youth Event, August 2022, Constanta, Romania

Multiplier Event for the ROBO Youth Project Students of the ERS YURTDISI VE YURTICI EGITIM DAN YAZ MUH TUR DIS TIC LTD STI (ERS Student Services) from Adana, Turkey together with the robotics team from the Technological High School of Electrical Engineering and...
Teachers training ROBO, October 2021, Poland

Teachers training ROBO, October 2021, Poland

Mobility for teachers ROBO Youth team is a group of European partners aiming to bring innovation and modern technologies in education:  Fundacja „Z Robotem za Rękę” („With a Robot by the Hand” Foundation) – Poland, ERS YURTDISI VE YURTICI EGITIM DAN YAZ MUH TUR...
ROBO Youth Exchange, October 2021, Turkey

ROBO Youth Exchange, October 2021, Turkey

ROBO Youth Exchange Students of the School of Electrical and Telecommunications Technology from Constanta took part in an youth exchange organised throughout the Strategic Partnership ROBO, which brings innovation and modern technologies in education with help from...
Researchers’ Night, September 2021, Constanta

Researchers’ Night, September 2021, Constanta

Researchers' Night The European Researcher’s Night is part of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions, a programme created by the EU to support researchers and innovators. The event takes place each year, on the last Friday of September, and it’s designed to raise...