Stop fake news, October 2019, Romania

Stop fake news, October 2019, Romania

Youth workers fight against manipulation Erasmus project meeting to fight against manipulation We were pleased to welcome to Constanta an European group of youth workers fighting against manipulation and Fake News spreading. Primarily, we aim to bring correctness and...
Analytical skills matter, December 2019, Italy

Analytical skills matter, December 2019, Italy

Analytical skills matter Erasmus training course In this course, our scope was to Improve analytical skills. Therefore, we make it the main priority of our team that participated in a 3-day Erasmus training course with European colleagues. During three days, ten...
Privește Lumea Erasmus, Constanta, Romania

Privește Lumea Erasmus, Constanta, Romania

Conference “Erasmus for all” Ziua dedicată internaționalizării educației 12 licee, școli generale, universități, ong-uri, organizații studențești și centre educaționale au promovat educația non-formală la nivel european. Conferința a început cu o gală a proiectelor...
Au contraire, January 2020, Romania

Au contraire, January 2020, Romania

Workshop “Au contraire” It is not easy to distinguish between two similar photos. Which one is true and which is false? During two hours, together with local students and European volunteers, we faces interesting challenges. First, we took a survey to...