DIFA Training Activity, July 2022

Between 19 and 23 July, our partners from Formative Footprint organized the Co-creation lab for the digital facilitator role and associated competences in Spain. The purpose of the activity was to design learning experiences using digital pedagogies.

The event was attended by delegates from all project partners:

Saricam HALK Eğitimi Merkezi from Turkey
Formative Footprint from Spain
Voluntariat Pentru Viata from Marasesti
Team4Excellence Association from Romania

The first day of the event started with a welcome speech followed by theoretical and practical activities. The theoretical activities were all about the role of educators and trainers in digital and online education. During the next days, participants deep-dived into the types of dynamics, mechanics and aesthetical elements and how to increase the attractiveness of online apps, educational tools and learning systems. Participants piloted the competence map, a tool for adult trainers and learners and they reflected on the role of the Digital Educator and the role of the Trainer, who can be a lecturer, facilitator or animator. They learned during the activities to adapt the role according to the objective, context, participants and content. They also learned how to make the learning process more enjoyable for those over 55, using web design concepts.

Read the press release here: EN | TR | SP | RO

Location: Valladolid, Spain

Date: 19-23 July 2022

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