So, if you will embrace going abroad and you need some secrets to your Volunteering experience, in our blog you will find it. We create this section to share with you all the Romania guides, how can you make the most of your Free Time and some ways to improve your Media Knowledge. And we also add from our own countries so you can find more about around the world. Click this categories to read more. From us to you: all the tips that you need to survive this crazy adventure

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Trieste to Constanta

Trieste to Constanta

I’m Silvia, I am 25 and I come from Como, Italian city well-known for its lake and situated not far from the bigger and industrial Milano. I grew up in Como, but when I finished high school me and my twin sister, Laura, decided to leave our comfort zone, our house and...

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What to expect from an Erasmus+ APV

What to expect from an Erasmus+ APV

I just came back from my first APV (Advance Planning Visit) as Group Leader for an Erasmus+ KA1 Youth Exchange. Needless to say, at my age I no longer qualify as a young person by Erasmus+ standards (13-29) and by any other standard. What made it even more interesting...

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The Day of nonformal learning (in Romanian)

The Day of nonformal learning (in Romanian)

Am sarbatorit Ziua Învăţării Nonformale impreuna cu Liceul Tehnologic de Electrotehnică și Telecomunicații Constanța. În fiecare an în luna octombrie, Agenţia Naţională pentru Programe Comunitare în Domeniul Educaţiei şi Formării Profesionale sau mai simplu ANPCDEFP...

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Non-formal education first impressions

Non-formal education first impressions

We practiced the Selfie method on our first day here, with Ovidiu, Nicoleta and Aurel. Thanks to this, we were able to get to know each other in an interesting way. Then we could learn more thanks to the #Media4you project. It involved a group of 20-25 people and we...

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