Want to improve yourself in a non-formal way?

Training Club regularly organize Training Courses, a way to deepen your knowledge on particular subjects.


This short period of learning is the occasion to perfect your education, to meet people from different backgrounds and to create new friendships.


Fii gata sa comunici eficient! Inscrie-te sa afli cum poti sa aplici instrumentele și tehnicile de transmitere a mesajelor în mediul online, intr-un mod aliniat cu strategia de comunicare a institutiei de invatamant.

Social Media in educatie

Ai o idee de business și te gandesti sa o pui în practică? Peste 90% dintre afeceri esueaza in primii 5 ani. Ai ajuns în locul si la momentul potrivit sa-ti validezi ideea de business. Inscrie-te la curs si vei beneficia de consiliere pentru întocmirea unui Model de Business.

Curs online de antreprenoriat

Tales from the Erasmus+ Training Courses WE delivered

Want to see more about our Erasmus events?

CLICK to see how our Erasmus events support participants increase knowledge and skills.

Build confidence | Recognize own abilities | Broaden horizons

Meet your needs in our European projects

CLICK to see which of our Erasmus Strategic Partnerships can help you the most and how you can benefit from them.

Social responsibility | Training opportunities | Online courses

Do you want to develop yourself?

“Every student can learn, just not on the same day or the same way.” In our Moodle we share with you all the courses that we are creating to increase your knowledge, skills and attitudes.