ROBO Youth team is a group of European partners aiming to bring innovation and modern technologies in education. Because non-formal education is preferred by young people, we designed attractive programs in robotics, automation, electronic and programming mechanics. But we noticed that the modern era of new technology needs to be combined with an entrepreneurial approach. Thus, ROBO Youth team will equip young people with competences that will increase their educational opportunities and competitiveness on the modern labour market.
We met in Zamosc, Poland, in December 2019 and joined forced ? for a successful collaboration. With these experiences, our ROBO youth team is ready to combine new technology and entrepreneurship in an innovative way. Joining Robo Lab will give you competences to increase your competitiveness on the modern labour market.
Through ERASMUS+ events we give you the opportunity to meet the ROBO Youth groups and find out more about the fascinating robotic world. Demonstration are always welcomed and TechNoLogic-RO 081 rapidly polarize the audience wherever they would be.
Three Robotic Labs in Poland, Turkey and Romania. ROBO youth team will participate in youth robotic workshops organized in partners countries.
Events across Europe
Why do I join?
Erasmus+ events are good opportunities to gain new transferable skills and boost your employability.

Who can join?
Youth from 15-18 willing to develop own practical skills in the field of electronics, mechanics, automation and robotics, programming.
Our Erasmus events are carefully prepared to give you sufficient arguments to join our team. In addition to knowledge and practical skills in the field of modern technologies, ROBO Youth groups will acquire knowledge and skills for conducting marketing, fund raising for the functioning of the group and the basics of creating start-ups.
Engage with likeminded people!
Our Partners
Find out all the partners which are part of our family!
A multi-disciplinary, complementary partnership consisting of organizations from Romania, Poland and Turkey together with 3 associated partners will work for you. They will equip modern ROBO Labs and will organize events for popularizing the idea of robotic groups. Find more about our activities.
The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents. The contents reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership: “ROBO YOUTH – Partnership for innovative new technology education”, ID 2019-2-PL01-KA205-066193