The second DIFA55 Seminar in Valladolid, March 2023, Spain

The second DIFA55 Seminar in Valladolid, March 2023, Spain

The second DIFA55 Seminar in Valladolid, March 2023, Spain On the 15th of March 2023, Formative Footprint invited different trainers and educators of adults from the area of Medina del Campo to an informal round table, in order to get to know about DIFA55+ Erasmus+...
The first DIFA55 Seminar in Valladolid, March 2023, Spain

The first DIFA55 Seminar in Valladolid, March 2023, Spain

The first DIFA55 Seminar in Valladolid, March 2023, Spain On the 9th of March 2023, Formative Footprint organised a seminar with adult educators from Fundación Rondilla within the DIFA55+ project in Valladolid, Spain. Through the explanation of the project, and...
DIFA Multiplier Event, September 2022, Turkey

DIFA Multiplier Event, September 2022, Turkey

DIFA Meeting with Local Educators, September 2022, Turkey On Friday, September 23, 2022, Sarıçam Halk Egitimi Merkezi organized in Adana, Türkiye, the Multiplier Event titled ‘Improving the skills of a digital facilitator’ within the Erasmus+ Partnership for...