Do you want an overview of what can be life in Romania? Here are the impressions of the young people who came to visit us!

Chasing Dracula …

Chasing Dracula …

We had the possibility to travel trough Romania for a whole week, last week we took the chance and started our trip in the early Saturday morning. As it was a surprise for most of us, because only Lison and Sara planned the trip, we were excited about where we were...

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Exploring beyond Constanta

Exploring beyond Constanta

Our volunteering journey continues... This week we learnt that our reputation had expanded outside of Constanta on Wednesday, when we went to a high school out of the city for the first time, in the neighboring town of Eforie Sud. The location of this school allowed...

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Media4You Blog Article

Media4You Blog Article

Some places are simply authentic and they are precious jewels on their own. The city of Constanta is such an example with its beautiful diverse architecture and majestic view of the Black Sea. This week has been really special for Constanta, thanks to Erasmus +...

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The Day of nonformal learning (in Romanian)

The Day of nonformal learning (in Romanian)

Am sarbatorit Ziua Învăţării Nonformale impreuna cu Liceul Tehnologic de Electrotehnică și Telecomunicații Constanța. În fiecare an în luna octombrie, Agenţia Naţională pentru Programe Comunitare în Domeniul Educaţiei şi Formării Profesionale sau mai simplu ANPCDEFP...

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