Our purpose

Our purpose

Some of you might be wondering why exactly we are conducting our workshops in Constanta. We ourselves contempate this as well at times, as our purpose might not appear to be so self-evident. The reason why we were called to this city was to help raise the level of...
Report writing

Report writing

On the first week of January, as all Romanian students are still celebrating holidays, we are now at work in the University of Constanta. Filled with renewed energy thanks to our holiday breaks we are working on the reports of our workshops. Of course we are...
Exploring beyond Constanta

Exploring beyond Constanta

Our volunteering journey continues… This week we learnt that our reputation had expanded outside of Constanta on Wednesday, when we went to a high school out of the city for the first time, in the neighboring town of Eforie Sud. The location of this school...
Deliberate and emergent volunteering schedule

Deliberate and emergent volunteering schedule

This week we had some more workshops at the maritime highschool. It keeps fascinating us how each day and each group is different, there is even a big difference between the same grades. On Monday we arrived a bit early and were allowed through by the guards at the...
Non-formal education first impressions

Non-formal education first impressions

We practiced the Selfie method on our first day here, with Ovidiu, Nicoleta and Aurel. Thanks to this, we were able to get to know each other in an interesting way. Then we could learn more thanks to the #Media4you project. It involved a group of 20-25 people and we...