The Experience in Constanța

For some of us it is the first time in Romania and for others it was even the first time abroad. The experience we had was memorable becouse we had a lot of fun and also learned a lot. For exemple we leaened about social media, we had the chance to improve our...
Cultural evenings – a tale

Cultural evenings – a tale

At the first night the wonderful Germans made a quiz. They drink 7,5 Million liter beer at the Oktoberfest. Ok. The “funny” Italians were singing Bella Ciao with everyone. Luckily only once. Their dance was okayish. Then the beautiful greek did Sirtaki...
Media4You Blog Article

Media4You Blog Article

Some places are simply authentic and they are precious jewels on their own. The city of Constanta is such an example with its beautiful diverse architecture and majestic view of the Black Sea. This week has been really special for Constanta, thanks to Erasmus +...
What to expect from an Erasmus+ APV

What to expect from an Erasmus+ APV

I just came back from my first APV (Advance Planning Visit) as Group Leader for an Erasmus+ KA1 Youth Exchange. Needless to say, at my age I no longer qualify as a young person by Erasmus+ standards (13-29) and by any other standard. What made it even more interesting...
The Day of nonformal learning (in Romanian)

The Day of nonformal learning (in Romanian)

Am sarbatorit Ziua Învăţării Nonformale impreuna cu Liceul Tehnologic de Electrotehnică și Telecomunicații Constanța. În fiecare an în luna octombrie, Agenţia Naţională pentru Programe Comunitare în Domeniul Educaţiei şi Formării Profesionale sau mai simplu ANPCDEFP...