Youth personal development in the field of digital citizenship education

On May 11th, SEAL Cyprus organised a Multiplier Event at the Flamingo Hotel, Larnaca, Cyprus, for the DIGCIT Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership. The Multiplier was called Youth personal development in the field of digital citizenship education.

Participants were people active in the field of NGOs, the Ministry of Education and youth workers who work or volunteer in NGOs. We aimed at inviting people who work with or for young people both in the public and private sector in order to provide them with educational material and tools that can support their work and enrich their teaching methods and pedagogies.

The event was divided into 3 sections followed by a networking lunch. The first section included the general presentation of the Digital Citizenship Project, the second section was focused on the project’s intellectual outputs and the third section included interactive sessions for the evaluation of youth workers’ level of skills followed by group discussion, in which participants were invited to provide their feedback on the project’s educational material and the eLearning platform.

The multiplier event has reached the goal of disseminating the project’s main output, the eLearning platform and promoting digital citizenship education. Through the group discussions, constructive feedback has been collected and the attendants had the chance to broaden their knowledge and expand their network.

DIGCIT is an Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership implemented by:

Location:  Larnaca, Cyprus

Date: 11th May 2022

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