Support for youth at risk

On August 2022, we proudly presented the results of the Eramsus+ strategic partnership project Online support for youth at risk, to more than 30 youth workers, trainers and teachers with interest in using the innovative results and support materials. The event organized by T4E aimed at making the project results available for Constanta community by:

  • presentation of the results and conclusions resulting from the actions taken, as well as the tools created by the partners
  • discussing the good practices introduced and observed within the implemented activities
  • providing participants leaflets materials with QR code to enable participants to access the online tools

Among the results of the highly engaging event:

  • increased knowledge about the opportunities offered by the platform developed during the project period, which will remain available for those needed support
  • increased awareness of the content of publications addressed to specialists working with disadvantaged youth
  • strengthening the internal motivation of participants to improve their skills in youth work
  • positive impact on the participants’ self-esteem as youth workers/ trainers / teachers seeking new and better solutions to stay in touch and collaborate with youth


Location: Dobrogea Hotel, Constanta, Romania

Date: August 2022

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