Sports Benefits, February 2024, Romania

On 20th February, our international volunteers brought a special workshop to Gh. Duca High School. Their mission? To share the awesome advantages of sports with eager students.

Volunteering isn’t just about giving; it’s about connecting with others and making a difference. As the volunteers stood before the students, they painted a vivid picture of how sports can bring people together for good.

Our goal was simple: to show how sports can make us healthier, happier, and more connected. We started by talking about the good stuff sports can do for us before diving into fun activities. First up was a game where students teamed up to write down as many sports names as they could in just one minute. The winning team got a special ticket for a final game later on.

Next came the main event: a presentation about all the ways sports can boost our lives under every kind of aspects, for example Physical health, Mental well-being, Social benefits, Personal development, Healthy lifestyle, Educational and career opportunities. We kept it simple and easy, using pictures and chatting with the students about what they thought.

Then, it was quiz time! We put together a fun quiz to test what the students had learned and they having fun. The winner got the second ticket for the final game. In the final game, the top teams battled it out while everyone cheered them on. It was a blast! The winning team even got some tasty treats to celebrate.

Finally, we asked the students for their thoughts on the workshop. We wanted to know what they liked and what could be better, so we could make our next workshop even more awesome. And just like that, the workshop ended on a high note, leaving everyone feeling excited about the power of sports to make the world a better place.

Location: Constanta, România

Date: 20th February 2024

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