Learning, Teaching and Training Activities, September 2023, Greece

Between 5 and 7 September, the Fifty-Fifty association organised in Thessaloniki, Greece the second session of the PodSquad project: Educating NEET Youth through Erasmus Courses Learning, Teaching and Training Activities.

Together with the other participants from the project partner countries (Ireland, Cyprus, Spain and Greece) we discovered that podcasts can be an innovative and exciting way to bring about significant changes in the lives of NEET young people, helping them to develop their skills and find their place in society.

The course covered several topics, including the importance of educating NEET young people, where we discussed the challenges young people face, the negative impact of being NEET on individuals and society, and the role of education in reducing the number of NEET young people and facilitating their social and professional integration. We then looked at the benefits of podcasts in educating NEET youth with concrete examples of successful podcasts that have had a positive impact on NEET communities.

The practices used by the trainers followed the 5E training concept and its benefits. Each stage of the 5E model was presented: Engage, Explore, Explore, Explain, Elaborate, Evaluate with practical examples of applying the 5E model in educating NEET youth through podcasts. At the end we learned more about budget management in podcast production and the importance of planning. We received tips and strategies for securing funding and using available resources effectively and learned about successful examples of managing educational podcasts in terms of production and distribution.


Location: Thessaloniki, Greece
Date: 5-7 September 2023

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