Our Future in the Tech Field, March 2024, Romania

In a world where technology continues to shape our future at an unprecedented pace, empowering youth with the right knowledge and aspirations is vital.

Recently, our team of international volunteers embarked on a journey to Gh. Duca High School in Constanta to deliver an enriching workshop designed to ignite students’ interest in the tech world and its vast array of career opportunities.

Firstly, the activity kicked off with a comprehensive introduction and explanation session. Here, we delved into the diverse fields that are currently shaping our future in the tech industry, along with the plethora of career opportunities they offer. From Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to Cybersecurity, Data Science, Biotechnology, Internet of Things (Iot) to User Experience and Software Engineering, the tech landscape is teeming with possibilities waiting to be explored.

During this session, we aimed to not only educate students about the various tech fields but also to stimulate their critical thinking about their own aspirations. We encouraged them to reflect on how they perceive their role in the technological development of tomorrow and whether they harbor any desires to contribute to it.

Afterwards, students were asked to take part in a game where they had to match on a board different job roles to the corresponding tech categories. This activity not only challenged their understanding of the tech industry but also fostered teamwork and collaboration among peers.

As the workshop progressed, we observed a palpable energy in the room as students eagerly engaged with the material. They delved into discussions about which areas in the tech world are developing rapidly and sparking their interest.

Overall, the workshop was a resounding success, leaving a lasting impact on both the students and our team of volunteers. It served as a reminder of the importance of empowering the next generation of innovators with the knowledge and inspiration they need to thrive in an ever-evolving tech landscape.

Location: Constanta, România

Date: 14th March 2024

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