The Second Transnational Project Meeting, October 2023, Romania

The second transnational project meeting within the Erasmus+ project LETme TELLyou took place on October 9th, 2023, in Agigea, Romania, and was attended by representatives from TEAM4Excellence, Diputación de Valladolid, Formative Footprint, E-SCHOOL and Stowarzyszenie Szukamy Polski. The meeting officially started at 9:30 with the aim to discuss the progress and planning of the project across different work packages and activities.

During the meeting, all project partners completed the initial quality survey, achieving a satisfaction rate of over 80%. Regarding video production for our project results, it was agreed that subtitles would be added in English when uploading videos to YouTube to enhance accessibility. These videos are made together with seniors with the aim of promoting rural tourism across Europe. TEAM4Excellence discussed roles and tasks for technological support creation, and Formative Footprint will create a YouTube channel for video uploads accessible from the project website, starting in January 2024.

In terms of sharing and promotion activities, E-SCHOOL reported on social media and newsletters, with plans for infographics. Formative Footprint outlined the Methodological Guide, which will document the project’s work process for future implementation by institutions and organisations. These discussions reflect substantial progress and strategic planning within the project. We also discussed the dissemination of results, next deadlines and plans for the next meeting with project managers. At the end, TEAM4Excellence, the host organisation, handed out certificates to participants.


Location: Agigea, Romania
Date: 9th October 2023

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