Instructional design models for effective online courses

February 2021, Online


During the multiplier event of the Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership Project MINE-EMI  in February 2021, initiated by the Nikola Vaptsarov Naval Academy, Assoc. Prof. Dr. and Project Manager of T4E, Nicoleta Acomi, had the opportunity to give a presentation in one of the sessions.

This Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership Project will bring new solutions on the emerging maritime issues to ensure sustainable development of maritime transportation for efficient and effective use of oceans. For more details of MINE-EMI, you can access 

The multiplier event was divided in 3 sessions and addressed “Innovative Education for emerging maritime issues”. The main focus was the elaboration of online educational materials for three Joint Master Programs. 

During the second session, Assoc. Prof. Dr. and Project Manager of T4E, Nicoleta Acomi, delivered the presentation “Development of effective online courses using instructional design models”, emphasizing the main steps for developing stimulating and meaningful online learning environments. The presentation comprises the results obtained by T4E’s partners, namely Athens Lifelong Learning Institute, SEAL Cyprus and Bennohaus, as part of the project ERASMUS+ Strategic Partnership project “Strategic partnership to develop open educational resources for teaching digital citizenship”.

Some of the good practices highlighted for developing effective online courses in a digital environment are: consideration for listeners’ background, a variation of the content presented, “must know, should know, nice to know” elements, teamwork, and many more. 

Location: Online, Constanta Maritime University

25 February 2021


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