Green Travel Through Aquavers

On 7th of June the International sympozium ”GREEN TRAVEL THROUGH AQUAVERS” was organized by Constanta County School Inspectorate, the Maritime University of Constanta and “Gheorghe Duca” Technological High School of Constanta, in partnership with Lascò, TEAM4Excellence Association, The Teacher’s House Constanta, SC Tehnotransferoviar, SC Auto Promt Consult Constanta and Izzettin Keykavus Anatolian High School (Turkey). The international symposium gathered experts, educators, and students. It was aimed to broaden the understanding of water in all its forms across various environments, as well as increase knowledge of future blue technologies.

The event kicked off with a warm welcome from Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nicoleta Acomi, Dean of the Faculty of Navigation at Constanta Maritime University, followed by inspiring words from Insp. Ana-Maria Brăteanu and Dir. Elena Gogu. Their opening remarks set a positive tone for the event’s discussions.

TEAM4Excellence together with Lasco introduced the Green Hive Erasmus+ project, highlighting its aims and achievements. This was followed by a series of insightful presentations from students and professors that showcased the experiences of students and teachers who participated in various Erasmus+ projects.

Our volunteers from France shared their European Solidarity Corps experience, emphasizing the impact of such programs on the Constanta community. They’ve also announced about summer activities in our association.

Then, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nicoleta Acomi presented GREENPORT and Generation SDG projects, while Prof. Elena Gogu and Prof. Melia-Ana Abdula shared their experiences with European exchanges, detailing their trips to Cyprus, Portugal, and Spain, which provided valuable learning opportunities for both students and teachers.

As the symposium concluded, attendees had the opportunity to explore Constanta Maritime University’s state-of-the-art Engine Room and Navigation Simulators, offering a hands-on glimpse into maritime operations.

For more information about the GreenHive project, visit the project course. Further details about Constanta Maritime University and its events can be found on their university page.


Location: Constanta, Romania

Date: 7th June 2024

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