Follow-Us Fourth Transnational Project Meeting

On 21st and 22nd of September 2023, the fourth Transnational Meeting took place for the Follow Us project. The meeting was organized in Rzeszów, Poland.

On the first day the participants discussed the findings from testing phase, improvements and translation of Trainer Upskill Course in PR2. Partners piloted the Training Programme with NEETs and discussed the translation of the programme. Additionally, attendees discussed the finalization and improvements of the Follow Us platform as well as building the network of SMEs and piloting.

After that all partners presented national workshops and seminars. The day ended with presenting the summary and conclusions.

On the second day meeting attendees discussed the dissemination and exploitation activities as well as quality management reports. By the end of the day the tutorial video participants viewed the tutorial video and set up the dates for the next online meeting and steps.

Location: Rzeszów, Poland

Date: 21,22 September 2023

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