Erasmus mobility for teachers, June 2023, Romania

Between 19 and 23 June 2023 the group mobility “Digital Skills for Adult Learners” took place, which was organized by TEAM4Excellence Association from Constanta, Romania in partnership with Konya Directorate of National Education, Turkey. Thus, 6 adult learners, 2 teachers who participated in the training course, one educator who did job shadowing and two accompanying teachers developed their digital and language skills during the workshop days.

On the first day, facilitators Nicoleta Acomi and Daria Barbu from TEAM4Excellence presented the Erasmus+ programme, adult education projects and piloted the DIFA55 application with the participants to see what the level of digital skills of the learners was. Also, on the first day, participants set their expectations from the training and wrote down the skills they want to develop. As a theme for the next day, they were tasked with making photos and videos addressing specific themes and sights in the city of Constanta.

On the second day, the trainees learned how to use the Canva app using the materials they had shot the day before. So, under the guidance of trainer Daria Barbu, they transferred their footage to Google Drive and their computer and started creating a video that reflected their experience as a tourist in Constanta. The participants created a PowerPoint presentation about their experience in Constanta.

On the third day, learners completed the videos edited in Canva and participated in a workshop to enhance creativity. They were tasked to create in teams of three participants coherent stories that followed the storytelling structure and could be represented in 6 images. At the end, they presented their stories in front of everyone in English, improving their language and public speaking skills. In the afternoon, the participants visited the Maritime University of Constanta with Nicoleta Acomi.

On the fourth day, participants learned how to create an online Europass CV and a blog in Google Sites. They were enthusiastic to present their hobbies, interests or business in Google Sites to promote a personal interest.

On the last day, for adult learners there was an activity in the Google suite, encouraging them to use and synchronise the Google Maps, Google Meet and Google Calendar apps. At the same time, the trainee teachers and the job shadowing educator were shown online apps, training courses and models of useful teaching activities.
Throughout the training period, participants were guided to use the DuoLingo app to improve their foreign language skills, and on the last day, the trainee with the highest score on the app was awarded a prize.

At the end, there was an award ceremony for the trainees and the distribution of certificates.

Read more here.


Location: Constanta and Agigea, Romania

Date: 19-23 June 2023

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