The final transnational meeting of the DIGCIT project

On the 28th of July 2022, we participated in the final transnational project meeting of the DIGCIT Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership. The event took place in Cyprus.

At the meeting were present delegates from TEAM4Excellence Romania,  Athens Lifelong Learning Institute Greece and Seal Cyprus from Cyprus. Our German partners, Bennohaus, attended the meeting online.

The meeting marked the achievement of the IO3 and the end of the Erasmus+ Strategic partnership to develop open educational resources for teaching digital citizenship (the DIGCIT project).

The goal of the meeting was to evaluate partnership, check supporting documents, evaluate the impact on organizations, prepare the final report, sign follow-up agreements and discuss the lessons learned and opportunities for further collaboration.

For the work session, we planned the transferability, exploitation and sustainability of the results, agreed on the types of actions and communication that will happen after project implementation, planned to exploit the results during daily activities of partners organizations and discussed about the technical and financial sustainability of results.

In the end, we summarised all activities which we all did in this project.

Location: Nicosia, Cyprus

Date: 28th of Iuly, 2022

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