Social Entrepreneurship Training, August 2023, Bulgaria

Between 18 and 27 August, delegates from TEAM4Excellence Association together with other educators participated in the “Train the trainers for building social entrepreneurial skills of adults” training provided by Varna Economic Development Agency in Bulgaria. The 12 participants from Romania attended this training as part of the Erasmus+ project “Improving Adult Education Capabilities – AdultEdu“, which aims to improve the key competences of adult education professionals and increase the quality of adult education through cooperation and training in a European context.

The key points of the training focused on developing the capacity to identify the needs of adult education organisations in the field of entrepreneurial competences and to exchange good practices, as well as the capacity to use digital tools for planning and managing educational projects in adult education organisations. In a dynamic and engaging training session, participants embarked on a journey of self-discovery and entrepreneurial exploration. They started by getting to know each other’s target groups and contexts, emphasizing the importance of listening. Expectations from the course were shared and posted on a flipchart for all to see.

Creativity flowed as participants generated ideas through a word association exercise, culminating in brainstorming social entrepreneurship ideas. Collaboration thrived as groups expanded on ideas related to pollution and waste. The importance of multidisciplinary competencies in business became evident. The course delved into the personal aspect of entrepreneurship, encouraging participants to identify their passions and potential business ideas. The Business Model Canvas helped them formulate value propositions, while competitive analysis and the Porter 5-forces model provided valuable insights.

Each day began with reflections on the previous day’s highlights and areas that needed more attention, ensuring a tailored learning experience. The 7 Marketing Mix was explored to identify unique selling points and effective promotion strategies. Participants also projected their careers five years into the future, gradually working backward to understand the growth and development of their businesses. The financial plan aspect focused on cost identification and assumptions validation, ensuring a solid foundation for entrepreneurial success.

Details were provided on funding sources for social enterprises and start-ups, funding opportunities and bidding in the European Union through the F6S global start-up network. Other social entrepreneurship options were presented and raised the interest of the group: EIT Food or EIT Manufacturing, EITCultural and Creative to support cultural and creative sectors and industries, EIT Digital as an opportunity for start-ups, Erasmus+ opportunities such as KA1 and KA2 for youth and youth workers.

This course offered a hands-on approach to entrepreneurship, nurturing creativity, collaboration, and strategic thinking, all essential elements for aspiring entrepreneurs.


Location: Varna, Bulgaria
Date: 18-27 August 2023

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