Train the Adult Education Trainer

Between 7th – 15th of July 2022, our team participated in the course “Train the trainer in adult education”, within the AdultEdu Erasmus+ project. The course was organized in Varna, Bulgaria by our partner Marine Cluster.

This is the way in which our association seeks to contribute to a sustainable future through involvement in personal and professional development in order to address the need for competent people in communities and the economy.

During the training course in Varna, our participants improved their knowledge about the learning styles and the trainer’s own style so that when creating a lesson plan, the trainer can design instructional activities to encompass all potential learning styles. For a better understanding of learning styles and teaching approaches, participants run role-playing and exercises; They learned how to select presentation methods that best fit the needs of the adult learner, to be able to develop a lesson plan to help structure the training.

The training course content and the days spent in Bulgaria brought them new experiences in learning and teaching. Also, with these games they understood assessment strategies so that during the training session, the trainer will be able to measure learner understanding. The exercises helped participants to choose a good way to engage students in the learning process and encourage independent thinking.

Within the debriefing part of the course, participants discussed possible future collaborations and planned the next activities for sharing the outcomes in the community. In addition, a summary of the key learning points, lesson learned session and the final course evaluation constituted a good opportunity to conclude this fruitful course.

It was a great experience and we went back home with new methods of learning and teaching.

Read the press release here.

Location: Varna, Bulgaria

Date:  7th- 15th of July 2022

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