Despre mindfulness, din Slovacia

Despre mindfulness, din Slovacia

“În seara zilei de 15 Noiembrie, 30 de lucrători de tineret s-au întâlnit la Hotel Phoenix, Slovacia, pentru a parcurge un jurnal al schimbării. Folosind metode non-formale precum “Nume+semn” și “Human bingo”, au început prin a se...
Trieste to Constanta

Trieste to Constanta

I’m Silvia, I am 25 and I come from Como, Italian city well-known for its lake and situated not far from the bigger and industrial Milano. I grew up in Como, but when I finished high school me and my twin sister, Laura, decided to leave our comfort zone, our house and...
What to expect from an Erasmus+ APV

What to expect from an Erasmus+ APV

I just came back from my first APV (Advance Planning Visit) as Group Leader for an Erasmus+ KA1 Youth Exchange. Needless to say, at my age I no longer qualify as a young person by Erasmus+ standards (13-29) and by any other standard. What made it even more interesting...