Some of us put a bit of Constanta around the world, and bring a bit of the world in Constanta. What have they learned from their travel? You can read it here!

Despre mindfulness, din Slovacia

Despre mindfulness, din Slovacia

"În seara zilei de 15 Noiembrie, 30 de lucrători de tineret s-au întâlnit la Hotel Phoenix, Slovacia, pentru a parcurge un jurnal al schimbării. Folosind metode non-formale precum "Nume+semn" și "Human bingo", au început prin a se cunoaște și a vorbi despre ei....

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Trieste to Constanta

Trieste to Constanta

I’m Silvia, I am 25 and I come from Como, Italian city well-known for its lake and situated not far from the bigger and industrial Milano. I grew up in Como, but when I finished high school me and my twin sister, Laura, decided to leave our comfort zone, our house and...

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What to expect from an Erasmus+ APV

What to expect from an Erasmus+ APV

I just came back from my first APV (Advance Planning Visit) as Group Leader for an Erasmus+ KA1 Youth Exchange. Needless to say, at my age I no longer qualify as a young person by Erasmus+ standards (13-29) and by any other standard. What made it even more interesting...

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