In case one may wonder… here is a sample of a volunteering week.

This is actually our second volunteering week. We started the week brainstorming about the activity for the Telecom highschool. It was our first workshop and it took us 3 hours (no joke) to come up with an entire activity. We were a bit nervous to meet our first group but it went pretty well.

Day after day, we tried to improve our speeches, our presentation. We kept talking about what was good and what was wrong so we could be better the next day. The result were above our expectations tho (see the report): each group came up with their creation, some were really inspired and according to the evaluation form, students were delighted with the workshop.

Week’s schedule

Day 1: getting familiar with non-formal education methods at home and brainstorming about the blog design

Day 2: preparation of the workshop for the following days ( presentation, evaluation form, suggestions)

Day 3: first day at the Telecom Highschool + writing of the first blog article

Day 4: second day at the Highschool + first Romanian lesson on the OLS platform

Day 5: third day at the Highschool + brainstorming about this first week experience on the field.

Day 6&7: days off (+ creation of an Instagram account @byourownleader)