Robo youth, Zamość, Poland

Robo youth, Zamość, Poland

ROBO YOUTH Partnership for innovative new technology education     The project summary The main goal of the project is to create a strategic partnership to support innovative non-formal education for young people in the field of modern technologies: robotics,...
Critical Thinking, Constanta, Romania

Critical Thinking, Constanta, Romania

Workshop “Gândirea Critică face Diferența”, 28 Noiembrie 2019 „Gândirea critică” – doar un termen „la modă”? Nu! Gândirea critică ocupă locul 4 în top 10 cele mai căutate atribute ale forţei de muncă (Victoria University din Wellington, 2015). Cu toate...
Be the change, Trnava, Slovakia

Be the change, Trnava, Slovakia

Be the change This training course for youth workers and trainers aimed to explain the importance of being present here and now and to use this in the youth work (9 attitudes of mindfulness, keeping the focus, meditational techniques according to “Mindfulness...
Business Model Canvas, Constanta, Romania

Business Model Canvas, Constanta, Romania

Workshop “Antreprenoriat prin Business Model Canvas” În perioada 23-29 noiembrie 2019, Ovidiu Acomi (MBA, evaluator EFQM pentru companii internaționale) a consiliat un număr de 20 de studenți ai Universității Maritime din Constanța pentru a întocmi modele de business....
Intimate Responsability, Zab, Poland

Intimate Responsability, Zab, Poland

Intimate Responsability Training course for youth workers and trainers (professionals working with young people) Objetives The 6-day training course (+2 days travel) took place between 10th – 17th of November 2019, Poland. The training course brought together 27...