
Name: Reduce – Reuse – Recycle

Topics: International Youth Exchange about ecology 

Duration: 02th-09th of December 2019

Location: Kaunas, Lithuania

Organization: Neribota Ateitis, Lithuania

Deadline: If you want to apply fill the google forms before 24 of July 2019

Description of the Project:

“Reduce-reuse-recycle” is a 9 days Youth Exchange project which will be held in Kaunas, Lithuania to changing attitudes in the field of recycling and bringing positive impact to changing pollution situation.

Unrecycled waste is one of the key problems of our environment. Plastic and other kind of waste pollutes our earth, water and air which also contributes to climate change. European Commission has announced that 70% of waste which is found in oceans and beaches consists of one-time plastic products. What is more, in October 2018 EC first time announced that plastic has already entered human’s nutrition chain. However, many steps are taken towards reducing the amount of waste which gets into landfills, however, many more steps are needed to make this come true.

The goal of this project will be mainly based on reduce-reuse-recycle method and will seek to encourage 35 young participants and local society members to REDUCE amount of waste they produce; to REUSE things they have already bought and to RECYCLE the waste which they want to throw away.

If you want more information, here is the infopack

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