Assembly Youth Advisory Board


Consorțiul european pentru promovarea cetățeniei digitale recrutează membri #YouthAdvisoryBoard!

Dacă ai între 16 și 30 de ani și ești din Constanța:

  • interesat de cetățenia digitală
  • dispus să te implici în sprijinirea experților consorțiului pentru a înțelege nevoile și dorințele tinerilor
  • conștient de provocările tineretului

Atunci tu ești persoana potrivită!

Recrutam 2 tineri voluntari din fiecare țară a consorțiului România, Grecia, Germania și Cipru.

Termen limită: 28 mai 2020. ​

Formularul de înscriere este disponibil AICI.

Detalii, mai jos.



DIGCIT is an Erasmus+ strategic partnership of 4 European NGOs. We got together to promote digital citizenship through youth work. Digital citizenship aims to provide the individual with the values, attitudes, skills and knowledge to use the digital tools. Thus, they will participate in shaping and creating the future.

During the project, the partners will develop:

  • Digital Citizenship MOOC Canvas and Instructional Design
  • Educational Materials for digital citizenship
  • Multilingual MOOC for youth personal development in the field of digital citizenship education

In this context, we are assembling an international Youth Advisory Board (YAB) which will consist of 8 young people from 4 European countries (2 per country). The YAB is needed to bring youth close to the project. In essence, YAB members will help project experts to understand the needs and wants of the young people. Also, they will test the educational materials and the online platform.


Who can apply?

  • Young 16 to 30 years old
  • Male or female (we offer equal opportunity and promote gender equality)
  • Have an interest in the digital citizenship topic
  • Have a level of digital citizenship skills assessed using a self-assessment sheet


Roles & Responsibilities

  • Follow the working procedure for YAB involvement
  • Participate in online and face to face meetings (YAB meetings and meetings with project coordinators)
  • Communication: direct, email, WhatsApp Group, Skype meetings, Zoom online webinars
  • Assist in developing, piloting, distributing and analyzing the online questionnaire for youth
  • Express opinion regarding the teaching methods adapted to youth workers & youth people needs
  • Pilot the online training courses
  • Participate in follow-up activities


How to apply

  • The application form is available here



  • Developing (project) management, leadership and analytical skill
  • Gain a European perspective
  • Changed attitudes towards digital citizenship
  • Improved English
  • Improved digital citizenship skills
  • Gained badges to show digital citizenship skills



Assist in developing, piloting, distributing and analyzing the online questionnaire for youth:

    1. The survey questions will be about youth preferences on educational methods, perception of the digital citizenship MOOC education, motivations. YAB members will co-create the questions together with project experts.
    2. There will be 15 Questions (+/-2) questions.
    3. We will be using Google Forms for the online questionnaire.
    4. Once the questionnaire will be online, the YAB members will pilot it before distributing to target groups (min 20 tests).
    5. YAB will help in distributing the online survey to young people using the personal and partner organisations’ accounts. Distribution channels include: website, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, WhatsApp, email. We expect 30-40 respondents per country.
    6. The YAB members will assist in analysing the data and drafting the survey report (30 pages in English).

Express opinion regarding the teaching methods adapted to youth workers & youth people needs which will be conveyed by project experts:

    1. Project partners will carry out research to identify teaching methods.
    2. The YAB members will be asked what they think about it.

Piloting the online training courses:

    1. Project experts will develop an online course for digital citizenship with badge recognition.
    2. YAB members will pilot the online course and the badge recognition system. Together, they will carry out 100 internal tests and together with course developers will analyse, redesign, and evaluate the course and make instantaneous modifications to the course to ensure effectiveness.
    3. YAB members will express about the attractiveness of the courses and about their engagement during the course
    4. YAB members will ask for 20 testimonials from other course participants

Within 6 months upon project completion, the YAB members will participate with their organisations in 2 activities promoting quality developments in youth work in Europe.


Application deadline

  • 28 May 2020, Friday


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