Spanish Evening

On October 23rd, 2021, we hosted a Spanish Evening in collaboration with Open Doors. Open Doors is a community center which organizes art therapy activities in Constanta.

We were positively surprised by the turnout: indeed, on the event shared on social media, few people manifested their interest, but about 20 people participated. Among the participants were Romanian, European volunteers, and Erasmus students (including some from Spain).

We started with an energizer to help everyone get acquainted with each other and break the ice. Many people came in groups, so the goal was to break those and have people mingle more to create a friendly atmosphere between everyone.

We held a quiz, which allowed people to learn more about Spanish culture. Some people showed a lot of knowledge about the country! There was a nice competitive spirit that still kept friendliness. The winner even shared some of the chocolate he won!

With the help of Andreea, director of Open Doors, and Tania, a European volunteer in Constanta, we offered an art session where participants were invited to draw on paper or on glass. Everyone let their creativity speak and we discovered some nice artists.

During the whole evening, participants could also enjoy some Spanish dishes that we prepared and the art pieces exposed at Open Doors.

Overall, everyone had a great time. Though it was a little stressful for us, we are glad that so many people came and that it all went well.

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