SENIOR Multiplier Event, September 2022, Spain

DESES3 Association organized on the 15th of September 2022 a multiplier event to present and disseminate the results of the project.  The event gathered 20 participants who are working or collaborating with institutions from Valladolid that work with elderly people or adult formation. 

The project objectives were presented together with the three main results IO1, IO2 and IO3 created during the project lifetime.

  • IO1 “Essential needs of educators to support seniors”
  • IO2 “Course modules for educators, facilitators and volunteers”
  • IO3 “Online training course & practical activity scenarios”

During the presentation of the results, participants were given the opportunity to check the online course from their smartphones, while the facilitator presented the guide for users from a computer connected to a projector.

The second part of the event was dedicated to group discussions about the practical course developed. A Q&A session was held in which DESES responded to questions regarding the project results and its potential use in other institutions/associations.


Read more here.

Location: Valladoid, Spain

Date: 15th of September 2022

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