Partnership for innovative new technology education



The project summary

The main goal of the project is to create a strategic partnership to support innovative non-formal education for young people in the field of modern technologies: robotics, automation, electronic and programming mechanics.

The goal will be achieved through the development and implementation of an innovative educational program in the field of modern technologies (electronics, automation, robotics, mechanics) among young people (15-18 years) by partner organizations from Poland, Turkey and Romania.

Innovation will be implemented in a frame of youth robotics groups and will have a holistic character: it will combine new technology and entrepreneurship in an innovative way to equip young people with competences that will increase their educational opportunities and competitiveness on the modern labour market.

Specific objectives:

– increasing the availability of non-formal education in the field of modern technologies for young people from disadvantaged regions with a lower level of development in relation to the average EU GDP.

– adapting the program and methodology to contemporary requirements/market needs, employers’ expectations, with particular emphasis on the practical aspect;

– preparing young people in terms of the requirements of the modern labour market and preparing them to the dynamically developing industry of modern technologies;

– equipping trainers working with youth with the competences necessary to conduct innovative activities in robotics, automation, mechanics, electronics as part of robotic groups;

– creating optimal conditions for cooperation between sectors to support modern innovative non-formal education in the field of new technology;

– increasing the chances and competitiveness of young people in the labour market by equipping them with modern competences that will make it easier for them to start their adult life;

– popularizing the idea of robotic groups through the dissemination of project results within an open and free access to the developed methodology and didactic materials.

Main target groups:

– employees working with youth in the area of modern technologies interested in implementing an innovative program of non-formal technological education – 65 people;

– young people from partner countries interested in developing technological competences (15-18 years) – 54 people;


1st Transnational Project Meeting, Zamosc, Poland, 4-5 December 2019 

The first project meeting brought together staff members from all three partners organizations.

They agreed on the preparatory activities for implementation of the project: tasks and responsibilities,  timeline, project monitoring and evaluation, as well as the financial services. The promotion of the project and dissemination of results through the use of various channels by partner organizations were also discussed and planned for the entire duration of the project.

Partners leaders proposed common criteria for recruitment and selection of project participants: trainers/teachers working with youth and youth to robotic groups.

The “ROBO YOUTH – Partnership for innovative education in the field of modern technologies” project has been established by organizations working to support education and development of young people. The partnership has been initiated between the “With Robot for Hand” Foundation from Poland, TEAM4Excellence Association from Romania and  ERS Student Services from Turkey.



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