Rise & Shine - Kick-off Meeting

On 29th March project partners participated in the kick-off meeting for Rise & Shine project.  This project is a transformative initiative aimed at enhancing the well-being of youth workers to improve their ability to support young people’s mental health. This project brings together partners from various countries to provide training, resources, and support for youth workers, focusing on their well-being and resilience.

The meeting was attended by delegates from the following partner countries and organisations:

During the meeting, we discussed the project’s overview, emphasizing our dedication to empowering youth workers by boosting their well-being and resilience. Through international collaboration, we aim to enhance the mental health support provided to young people.

The discussion on Work Package 1 centered around effective project management and coordination. We highlighted the importance of aligning activities, meeting goals, and fostering efficient collaboration among partners. Regular online meetings will keep everyone on track, facilitating the sharing of insights and progress.

For WP 2, we focused on developing a well-being planner and reflective practice journal tailored for youth workers. They will participate in a 30-day well-being challenge, engaging in daily activities designed to enhance their mental health and resilience through structured activities and reflection.

In discussions about WP 3, we outlined the creation of a well-being and resilience toolkit to equip youth workers with the skills necessary to manage their well-being and support young people’s mental health. This toolkit includes a 12-hour CPD training covering crucial topics such as understanding youth mental health and trauma-informed practices. Additionally, it features multiple active learning activities focusing on emotional self-regulation and resilience building.

In WP 4, we talked about facilitating knowledge exchange and best practice sharing among youth workers, creating a transnational peer support network. This package aims to promote the project’s goals, activities, and achievements to stakeholders and policymakers, increasing visibility and advocacy for youth workers’ well-being in European health policies. By aligning with evolving European health priorities, this package ensures the sustainability and long-term impact of the project’s initiatives.

By focusing on the well-being of youth workers, Rise & Shine aims to create a supportive and resilient environment, enhancing their capacity to effectively support young people’s mental health.


Location: Online

Date: 29th March 2024

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