Professional English Skills for Employment

On the 26th  of July 2022, we had the pleasure to organise a conference about the “Professional English skills for Employability” (PESE) project at Maritime university school. The conference welcomes more than 30 young leaders during the annual event Maritime Summer University.

The PESE project promotes the importance for young people to have English skills to encourage employability. Indeed, according to the European Commission, “Foreign language proficiency is one of the main determinants of learning and professional mobility”. Also, some studies highlight that the probability the being employed with English skills increases by up 12%.

For this program, we provide different results for helping people to develop their English skills.



It regroups in 3 chapters the current professional English requirements throughout partner countries in Europe (Spain, Portugal, UK, Malta, Cyprus, and Romania). The first chapter is the summary of finders from partner countries. The second focus on the best practice guide on intervention techniques to upskill employed citizens. Finally, the last one shows the mapping of skills and competencies required.



A framework for a curriculum has been drawn up to address the skills required by survey participants. Overall, speaking, reading, and writing was considered important skills across the industries and businesses surveyed. The curriculum’s framework for professional English employability presents 10 modules:

  1. Preparation of employment
  2. Cultural sensitivity for communication
  3. Confidence-building skills for presentations, workshops, and training courses
  4. Telephone communication skills
  5. Web-conferencing skills
  6. Speaking: functions in business/professional communication
  7. Social speaking
  8. Focus on reading
  9. Focus on writing
  10. Focus on listening



With this e-course, you will be able to check and update your progress at any time, from any place and update activities completed and progress made. You will be able to log in from anywhere and will be able to pick up the course where you left off. The innovation in the course itself stems from the 20+ years of experience of the designers.

After this, you will significantly improve your English skills and we are hoping for you to find your dream work.


Date: 26th July 2022

Place: Maritime University, Constanta

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