Mirror Mirror event

It’s been a pleasure to deliver the event “Mirror mirror, tell me how is your sea?” this Wednesday 6th July 2022. It was a hybrid event where we received guests at the office and hosted participants online as well. In attendance were staff and volunteers of TEAM4Excellence along with people involved in the coastal tourism sector. This dissemination event was organised with 12+ participants by TEAM4Excellence for the project coordinated by the French association “Auberge de Jeunesse 17” on the topic of “sustainable tourism”. This youth exchange Erasmus + took place between 21 and 30 April in the city of La Rochelle. The participants come from 5 different countrie: Albanie, Roumanie, Italy, Greece or France. Read below about the youth exchange and get inspired to contribute to the sustainability of tourism.

The programm of the week

The programs began with a presentation of participants and one visit of the Rochefort city. Then, they worked on the question “What is sustainable tourism?”, “What is biodiversity?” and “Why is important to take care of it?”. After, during days 5 and 6, they do 49km of bike ride, visit the city of La Rochelle and worked on the question of the impact of the tourism on the sea.

At the end, the project was to create a list to make tourism sustainable, especially by reflecting on what we can do during our holidays. Also, they did a cleaning beach activity like a type of action we can do against the pollution.

The to do list of the responsible traveler

How I can become responsible traveler? In this to do list you can find some advice for reduce your pollution part when your go to holidays.

The firsts advices before to travel are:

  • To be informed about the culture and traditions of the destination I am visiting before I go there (via social page etc.)
  • To get informed about label and respect them
  • To choose to stay at more eco-friendly accommodation (for example hostels with eco-friendly labels)
  • To strengthen, to enhance and give a grant to the local businesses.

For live with the biodiversity:

  • Do not disturb the natural habitat of animals.
  • Do not jeopardize the environment by leaving things behind or taking things with me.
  • To enjoy biodiversity !

What about the mobility?

  • To walk instead of taking the bus or my car
  • To use a bike for short distances
  • To use shared vehicles or public transportation to reduce the trafic and pollution.
  • For not too big distances, take a train or a bus instead of a plane.

And, for preserve the sea:

  • To use a pocket ashtray to keep my cigarettes butts..
  • Don’t buy plastic bags but use my own reusable bag.
  • To strengthen, to enhance and give a grant to the local businesses.
  • To choose to stay at more eco-friendly accommodation (for example hostels with eco-friendly labels).
  • To use glass bottles for water and fill them in with tap water.
  • To be informed on the recycling rules of the country I am visiting.
  • Always take a bag to collect my trash when I am outside.

If your respect this checklist, you can pretend to be responsible tourist. 🙂

Location: Office Team4excellence, Constanta, Romania
Dates: 6th July 2022

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