LETme TELLyou Transnational Project Meeting, February 2023, Spain

On 27 February 2023 we participated in the launch of the new Erasmus+ adult education project “LET ME TELL YOU: A call to illusion so that emptied Europe and the seniors feel part of the XXI Century through training in digital skills”. The meeting took place in Valladolid, Spain and was organised by the Diputación de Valladolid, with the aim of drawing up a work plan together with the other partners to establish details of project results, deadlines and dissemination strategy. The event was attended by delegates from the partner consortium organisations:

LETme TELLyou has the following objectives:

  • To increase digital skills: senior adults will improve their degree of knowledge of new technologies, which will make them autonomous citizens fully integrated in the reality of XXI century Europe, where there is no room for digital illiteracy.
  • To adapt tourism to the “digital age”: by creating videos that can be accessed via a QR code, the emptied Europe will be placed on the map, as the areas that bear the weight of the demographic challenge have few resources and those that do exist have no appeal to achieve an effect called to tourists. These videos will also attract the residents of these areas, who will be intrigued to see how their neighbours explain their own tourist resources.
  • To promote heritage and culture: it is about appreciating our rich and at the same time so unknown heritage by EU citizens, who are frequently unaware of their own natural surroundings, so that they will feel a member of a diverse society but unified by an incalculable heritage.


Location: Valladolid, Spain

Date: 27th of February 2023

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