KHIK it - Erasmus+ Project

The international seminar lasted 4 days which involved 29 youth workers and trainers from 9 European organisations and 8 European countries: Bulgaria, Greece, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain and Hungary. TEAM4Excellence was represented by 3 participants.

The main purpose of this seminar was to put our work so far into an e-book ”Social isolation: techniques and strategies to identify, prevent and combat the phenomenon”. For that, we have prepared focus group presentations and case studies in advance.

Every day has been productive. We shared our experiences, competencies,  techniques and strategies to prevent and tackle youth social isolation. We worked in different groups and each participant had the opportunity to present their work and ideas.

1️⃣st day: We were welcomed by the host organisation Akira and got to know each other and the trainers.

2️⃣nd day: The results of the focus groups, case studies, and comments on them were presented.

3️⃣rd day: By the afternoon we worked in groups to create a document in which we presented reasoned solutions for each case of social isolation. In the second part of the day, we visited the historical center of Naples, we got acquainted with the main tourist attractions, culture, food, and local traditions.

4️⃣th day: On the last day we worked as a group on the introduction, the results of the focus groups, the case studies and the conclusion for the creation of the e-book. After the results were presented, each youth worker evaluated the seminar.

At the end of the project, we realized that social isolation is a more complex phenomenon than it seems at first sight. Each case of a socially isolated person is a different case and must be analyzed separately in order to find efficient solutions.

Doina: “Not everyone in our community has learned psychology and does not easily identify this phenomenon, so we as youth workers should educate empathy through different methods to have a happy and active community. “

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