Interpersonal Communication

This week, volunteers facilitated a workshop on interpersonal communication at Mihai Eminescu National College, Liceul CFR and  Scoala Gimnaziala Nr.30 Gheorghe Titeica.

The main objectives of this workshop were to understand the complexity of communication.

The workshop began in an interactive and fun way with a Kahoot quiz, an educational platform that allows students to test their knowledge in a competitive format. Through this digital quiz, students were asked to answer questions on the basics of communication, such as: What is paraverbal communication? How does body language influence our message? This engaging format not only captured the students’ attention but also sparked their competitive spirit, helping them grasp key concepts.
Students particularly enjoyed this game because it allowed them to reinforce the concepts surrounding communication while having fun. Volunteers also made a short presentation to provide additional elements to the concepts of communication.

After the theoretical introduction, practical exercises were carried out to help students apply these concepts. For example, scenarios were staged in the form of a Chinese whispers game to highlight the importance of clear communication.

This interactive workshop not only helped students better understand the different aspects of communication but also encouraged collaboration and reflection.
In conclusion, this communication workshop was a resounding success, combining theory and practice, fun and learning, while offering students the tools to better understand and master the art of communication.


Location: Constanta, Romania

Date: 11.11.2024

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